Educational Services - Service Learning
BHUSD Grade 1 Service-Learning: Operation School Bell

Linking Service-Learning Projects to Academic Standards

Service-Learning Project:
1st Grade/Math, Operation School Bell, Socks

Elizabeth Chait
(310) 854-0591
Operation School Bell
1370 North Saint Andrews
Los Angeles, CA 90028

Service to the Community:
Education/Human Needs Theme:
Students will provide socks for Operation School Bell to help clothe LAUSD students in need.

Other Resources:
* Connection to Character Education "The Beverly Hills Way" Respect, Responsibility, Integrity, Caring, Citizenship
** "Samples of Differentiated Instructional Strategies for Service-Learning Projects" in Curriculum & Assessment Guide

Grade Level(s): First grade

Academic Focus: Math

Academic Content Standards:

Number sense

1.1: Count, read, and write whole numbers to 100

1.2: Compare and order whole numbers to 100 by using the symbols for less than, equal to, or greater than

2.4: Count by 2's , 5's and 10's to 100

2.5: Show the meaning of addition (putting together, increasing) and subtraction (taking away, comparing, finding the difference)


Suggested Assessments:
  • Active contribution of socks
  • count socks orally,
  • make graphs, charts
  • write/dictate number sentences
  • weigh and measure socks to chart/graph/record differences and similarities
Suggested Reflections/ Celebrations:
  • Pre- during- post reflections
  • Donate socks to Operation School Bell
  • Website postings
  • Newspaper articles in community paper
  • "Sock Hop Party" to share results of donations (share graphs, charts, etc.) with other grade levels
Curricular Activity

Define "pair" and discuss what comes in pairs. As students bring in new socks each day, they can keep track of how many are brought in each day.

Using the socks brought in by the students, students will count by 2's and/or 10's to make a group of 100.

Each day as socks come in, students compare the total of one day to another using symbols (less than, greater than, or equal)

Academic Focus: Math

Academic Content Standards

Algebra and functions
1.0: Students use number sentences with operational symbols and expressions to solve problems

Measurement and Geometry
1.0: Students use direct comparison and nonstandard units to describe the measurements of objects

Statistics, Data Analysis, and Probability
1.0: Students organize, represent, and compare data by category on simple graphs and charts

2.0: Students sort objects and create, and describe patterns by numbers, shapes, sizes, rhythms or colors


For more suggestions see Performance Based Assessments, Reflections, and Celebrations pages.

Curricular Activity
Use the socks to draw or write number sentences that show the meaning of addition or subtraction.

Compare/contrast length and/or weight of 2, or more, pairs of socks by measuring them against each other.

Students can sort socks by sizes, colors, designs, utility, etc., orally or visually.


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