Educational Services - Service Learning
Success Story: Preventing Domestic Violence

Jennifer Wehner's 11th grade AP language composition class read A Street Car Named Desire in class. As a Service-Learning project they decided to research domestic violence issues. The students then wrote letters to elected officials urging them to act on domestic violence issues.

One student, Donna E. sent her letter to a Beverly Hills City Councilmember. This Councilmember then personally called Donna to discuss the issue of domestic violence in the Beverly Hills community. The Councilmember contacted the principal of Bevelry Hills High School, and a student-wide assembly was organized. Donna was invited to introduce the speakers at this assembly.

As a result of this Service-Learning project, a representative from a domestic violence prevention program will be speaking to all Health classes in the future.

Donna's letter to the City of Beverly Hills describing her concerns about domestic violence

Response to Donna's letter from the City of Beverly Hills


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