Meeting Notes - 11/7/17

At its November 7th meeting, the Future Focused Schools Team evaluated in-depth data regarding BHUSD.  Team members are using district employees as resources to ask questions, and to continue to gather information in the process of exploring configuration possibilities for the district.  The goal - to improve and enhance educational opportunities for students, while ensuring long-term financial sustainability for BHUSD.  
At this meeting, the Team questioned several members of the Superintendent's Cabinet to provide additional context and clarification regarding the data presented, which is included here.  These professional resources are LaTanya KirkCarter Latham, Assistant Superintendent of Business Operations; Dave Jackson, Assistant Superintendent of Construction and Facilities, Dustin Seemann, Assistant Superintendent of Education Services, Laura Chism, Assistant Superintendent of Student Services, and Luke Pavone', Executive Director of Human Resources.  Future Focused Schools Team members will continue to drive the process, by requesting additional information and educational expertise from district staff.
All data and work by the Team is being shared completely to ensure transparency, document the authentic nature of the Team's work, and provide consistent and accurate information to the greater community regarding possible reconfiguration. Please see the Data section for further details.
The Future Focused Schools Team will be meeting through December.  The Team is charged with coming up with possible configuration options for BHUSD, to present to the Board or Education for evaluation.  It will be up to the Team to determine how many options there are, what those options entail, and the reasoning behind the recommendations. The ultimate decision regarding potential reconfiguration of BHUSD will be made by the Board of Education.