Please see attachment at the bottom of the page
Release of RFP: Monday, November 18, 2024
RFP Questions / Clarifications Due: Monday, November 25, 2024 2:00 p.m.
Addenda/Answers to RFP Questions Due: Tuesday, November 26, 2024 2:00 p.m.
Proposal Due: Monday, December 2, 2024; 2:00 p.m.
Board of Education Approval (tentative): December 10, 2024
Submit one (1) electronic copy via e-mail to:
Beverly Hills Unified School District
Construction & Facilities Department
Attention: Joy Jacobs, Bond Program Coordinator
[email protected]
Subject Line: “Proposal for FAC-2024-25-007”
Beverly Hills Unified District is a public K-12 school district located in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles County, California. Currently, the District operates three (3) elementary schools (one currently under modernization), one (1) middle school, one (1) high school, and one (1) continuation high school. Future projects shall be funded by Bond Measure E, a general obligation fund of $334M approved in 2008, and Measure BH, a general obligation fund of $385M approved in 2018. For additional information concerning the Measures E & BH Bond program please see:
The Beverly Hills Unified School District (the “District”) requests that qualified companies, partnerships, corporations, associations, persons, or professional organizations (“Consultant(s)”) submit a proposal for Air Monitoring Services for on-going and upcoming projects at Beverly Hills High School, as required by the South Coast Air Quality Management District.
This RFP is not a formal request for bids or an offer by the District to contract with Consultant(s) responding to this RFP. The District reserves the right to reject any and all Proposals. The District also reserves the right to amend this RFP as necessary. All materials submitted to the District in response to this RFP shall remain the property of the District. The District also reserves the right to seek proposals from, or to contract with, any Consultant not participating in this process. The District shall not be responsible for the costs of preparing any proposal in response to the RFP. Reponses received from this RFP will be used by the District to inform any adjustments or changes to the Professional Services Agreement attached hereto as Attachment “B”. The agreement is subject to review and negotiations relative to the professional services provided and subject to final review and approval of the District’s legal counsel.
Consultants must have extensive experience with the construction of public-school facilities in California, and extensive experience as a public school district consultant, working with contractors and other school facility related consultants.
Consultants interested in submitting proposals are directed to make personal contact only with the Bond Program Coordinator, identified herein, and should not contact the District Board of Education members, the Superintendent, Assistant Superintendents, any member of the Citizens' Oversight Committee, or any other officials or staff of the District. The District may reject proposals if a Consultant or its representatives make direct contact with the District.
In the spirit of total transparency, submitting Consultants must disclose any relationship with the District and execute the Conflict of Interest Statement included with this RFP. Refer to Attachment “C” of this RFP.
The District reserves the right to select one or more Consultants for Air Monitoring Services who are considered the most qualified to meet or exceed the District’s needs.
All questions and requests for explanations or clarifications pertaining to this RFP must be submitted in writing via email and must be received NO LATER than 2:00 p.m. on Monday, November 25, 2024, to Joy Jacobs, Bond Program Coordinator at
Questions and Answers will be issued as an addendum to the RFP on the date and time listed in the above RFP schedule. All addenda will be posted to the District website.
IV. See attached.
The selected Air Monitoring team(s) shall provide all required services for the District’s Projects identified herein:
Beverly Hills High School – Building C (New Konheim) Project
Beverly Hills High School – Upper Athletic Fields Project
Air monitoring will be conducted in accordance with South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) Rule 1466 requirements during earth-moving activities including import fill placement, excavation, fill placement and any other activities that have the potential to generate dust. Consultant will provide an air sampling technician/professional to monitor the air quality for the entire duration of these activities.
Air monitoring shall be conducted to measure the concentrations of respirable particulate matter generated and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Real time monitoring for VOCs shall be performed using a (photoionization detector) PID and respirable particulate matter shall be monitored using Personal DataRAMs® or an equivalent monitoring device.
Consultant shall provide, install and maintain all the devices required to perform the subject scope of services for the entire duration of the work.
Proposing Consultant shall refer to Attachment “A” – Supplemental Documents of this RFP for additional details for each project including:
A. Remedial Action Plan(s)
B. Preliminary Project Schedule(s)
C. Soil Management Plan
D. Department of Toxic Substances correspondence
E. South Coast Air Quality Management District correspondence
Please see attached file for complete project details.