Educational Services - Service Learning
BHUSD Grade 5 Service-Learning: Jump Rope for Heart

Linking Service-Learning Projects to Academic Standards

Service-Learning Project:
5th Grade Science/Physical Education
Circulatory System:
Jump Rope for Heart
Extension: 7th Grade Science

American Heart Association

Service to the Community:
Health Theme
Human Needs
Raise money for research for heart disease.
Increase awareness of how to maintain a healthy heart.

Other Resources:
Mike Lambert, Hawthorne School, 276-6102
* Connection to Character Education "The Beverly Hills Way" Respect, Responsibility, Integrity, Caring, Citizenship
**"Samples of Differentiated Instructional Strategies for Service-Learning Projects" in Curriculum & Assessment Guide

Grade Level(s): 5th Grade

Academic Focus: Science

Academic Content Standards:

Life Sciences:
2b. Students know how blood circulates through the heart chambers, lungs, and body and how carbon dioxide and oxygen are exchanged in the lungs and tissues.

6g. Record data by using appropriate graphic representations (including charts, graphs, and labeled diagrams) and make inferences based on those data.

Grade 7- Physical Principles in Living Systems
6j. Students know that contractions of the heart generate blood pressure and that heart valves prevent back flow of blood in the circulatory system.
7d. Use a variety of print and electronic resources (including the World Wide Web) to collect information and evidence as part of a research project.


Suggested assessments:
  • Active participation
  • Charts/diagrams of circulatory system (visual)
Suggested Reflections/Celebrations:
  • Pre-during-post reflections
  • Personal journal
  • Experimental writing (point of view)
  • Video of those participating
  • Website posting
Curricular Activity

Using their science text, students will study the circulatory system.

Students will create diagrams or models illustrating how the circulatory system works.

Students will learn about ways of preventing heart disease and maintaining good cardio-vascular health.

Academic Focus: Physical Education

Academic Content Standards

Movement Skills and Movement Knowledge
As students continue to improve in motor performance, they become more proficient in basic skills, such as running, jumping, and throwing.

Grade 7 Extension
Seventh graders are also able to understand the interrelationship of the health-fitness components in the development of optimum health and thus to select specific exercises for each component. This is an appropriate time to introduce the FIT guidelines for physical exercise, which are the appropriate frequency, intensity, and time required for benefits to be accrued in each health-fitness component. Students should learn the principles of overload, progression, and specificity in physical conditioning


Suggested Assessments:

Grade 5
  • Fitness Test
  • Presidential Fitness Awards
  • Sponsor sheet completion
  • Pre/post jumping test record
  • Charts/graphs depicting heart rate, collection, those participating, numberof jumps per students/grade level
Grade 7
  • Compare and contrast ability from 5th to 7th (i.e. # of jumps, heart rate, lung capacity, blood pressure)reate/solve word problems
Suggested Reflections/Celebrations

  • Pre-during-post reflections
  • Personal journal
  • Video of those participating
  • Heart-healthy food/activity party
  • Website posting
For more suggestions see Performance Based Assessments, Reflections, and Celebrations pages.

Curricular Activity
Students will participate in Jump Rope for Heart to raise money for the Heart Association.


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