Reflections 2013-2014 Believe, Dream, Inspire

The goal of PTA’s arts in education programming is to be a resource for PTA leaders in partnering with schools to provide opportunities for all students to explore and be involved in the arts.

The arts—and the National PTA Reflections program —support student success and serve as a valuable tool for building strong partnerships in your school community. When PTAs and schools work together to support arts education, they:
•Encourage all students—despite individual challenges—to explore ideas, express their individuality and support their peers in a positive way;
•Provide all students with an academic advantage by increasing student engagement and teacher effectiveness, which leads to increased school attendance rates and social connectedness among students; and
•Enhance family engagement by connecting families and schools to one another and to their communities.

Schools and PTAs committed to quality learning in the arts can identify opportunities together for families to take an active role in support of arts education.