BHUSD supports and practices the recommendations set forth by the California Office of the Attorney General, recommending the following best practices:

  1. Data Collection and Retention:  Minimization is the goal.
  2. Data Use:  Keep it educational.
  3. Data Disclosure:  Make protections stick.  
  4. Individual Control:  Respect user’s rights.  
  5. Data Security:  Implement reasonable and appropriate safeguards.  
  6. Transparency:  provide a meaningful privacy policy.  


BHUSD is continuously assessing and refining our technology security practices.  


As curriculum and educational resources move to online software providers, we hold our partners to the same high standard.  BHUSD is in the forefront of the data privacy movement in education.  Our contracts are negotiated to incorporate legally required protections, as well as strict provisions related to accessing and sharing student data.  BHUSD has negotiated Data Privacy Agreements (DPAs) including the California Student Data Privacy Agreement (CSDPA) with our adopted software program providers.