
About Service-Learning
An innovative instructional strategy that actively involves youth in the curriculum through service to their community.
- From National and Community Service Trust Act (1993)
Service-Learning differs from traditional community service activities because it intentionally integrates the service experience with the curriculum. Service-Learning is an instructional strategy where students learn academic content standards as they participate in organized service to the community that fosters civic responsibility.
In addition to fostering civic responsibility and individual development, Service-Learning allows the student to make meaning of the curriculum through participation in the design and implementation of a Service-Learning project and by taking time to do an oral, written, or creative Reflections on the experience.
Student Reflections:
I enjoyed the Hawthorne Book Drive. It felt great giving the books to Eastman Elementary. I liked counting and sorting the books the best. Even though it was hard work, it was great helping our community.
- Natasha S. on BookEnds
I loved this project! I felt happy seeing the faces of the children when they saw all the books.
- Diamo on BookEnds
I learned to help others as well as take care of my own heart.
- Fifth grader at Beverly Vista on Jump Rope for Heart/American Heart Association 2003
When we left, I stood back and saw how many of the invasive plants we had pulled out of the Ballona Wetlands and I was very proud of what we were able to accomplish.
- Raisa at BHHS on Ballona Wetlands project
I felt very good to help donate $134.02 to UNICEF. I bet that they can buy about seventy tents or 100 polio shots. You can donate too. It's easy.
- 3rd grader at Beverly Vista on Unicef Drive 2003
When one student takes it upon himself to help a needy cause, it is a pleasure to help. Service-Learning gave the student time to go to other classes and use his technology and speech writing skills to persuade others to help get food and supplies for an animal shelter in the community.
- 5th grade teacher at Beverly Vista on the Bill Foundation
I felt very shocked and elated that the city (of Beverly Hills) responded to my letter of concern regarding domestic violence. Just to know that council members care about this problem is very comforting. It was a great experience to know that one letter could draw so much attention and make such a difference in our community.
- Donna, student at BHHS

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