COVID Guide + Monkeypox 
To assist with the impact and management of COVID-19 BHUSD has created a separate COVID Compliance team to ensure that the focus for all administrators remains on learning and teaching this year.
This team includes a District COVID Compliance Officer and a COVID Compliance Officer for each school site.
Who do I notify that I have COVID-19?
Your school site COVID Compliance Officer through these emails:

[email protected] 

[email protected] 

[email protected] 

[email protected] 
Be sure to include your date of positivity, symptom and symptoms onset if any, and a list of people you have been within 6 ft of for more than 15 minutes during your exposure window in an indoor setting including your siblings. 

When can I return to school?
You cannot come to school with COVID-19. You may return when you have a negative antigen test/at-home test (after day 5) once you are fever free without the use of fever-reducing medication and your other symptoms are improving. Per LACDPH, students are not required to wear a mask upon return. Per Cal/OSHA, staff are required to wear a mask until day 10.

Does my vaccination status need to be sent to the District?
Per the State of California, students are not required to provide proof of vaccination. All staff who are unvaccinated are required by Cal/OSHA to send a weekly negative COVID test, time-stamped to your site COVID Compliance Officer (emails above).

Will we be notified if we are a close contact or shared air space with a person who has COVID-19?

Is BHUSD contact tracing?
Yes. Each site in consultation with the District is performing contact tracing.

Who is considered a close contact? 
Anyone within 6 ft of the positive person for more than 15 minutes during the exposure window. 

Are my siblings considered close contacts?

What do I do if I am a close contact?
Per LACDPH you are required to:
  1. Monitor symptoms 

  2. Wear a highly protective mask for 10 days when indoors (please refer to the information under the "Mask Exemption" tab if it is unsafe for your child to wear a mask)

  3. Test within days 3-5 from the date of last exposure 

What do I do if I have shared air space with a person who has COVID-19?
Monitor your symptoms and you can choose to wear a mask. Per Cal/OHSA staff are required to wear a mask for 10 days.

I have COVID, will my absence be excused?
Yes! Be sure to email your site COVID Compliance Officer and they will connect with the attendance office.

[email protected] 

[email protected] 

[email protected] 

[email protected] 

Are you offering Short Term Independent Study? 
Assembly Bill 130 (Short Term Independent Study, STIS) was enacted for the 2021-2022 school year. Accordingly, STIS (Zoom) will not be offered this year. Your absence will be excused and we encourage you to reach out to your teacher who will assist you with the ​absence as we would ​any other illness.

Where can I get a free home test?
At your school site front office and the District Office. 

Where can I get a mask? 
At your school site front office and the District Office.

Is BHUSD in compliance with all HVAC requirements?
Yes! This has been assessed by LACDPH in person.

Can I go to school with COVID symptoms?
No. If you are exhibiting COVID symptoms please stay home until they resolve, you have access to free home testing at your school site.

How do I contact the BHUSD District COVID Compliance Officer and LACDPH Liason?
Email [email protected]