English Language (EL) Services

English Learner Program



The State of California requires that EL students develop English language proficiency and learn academic content simultaneously. BHUSD implements Structured English Immersion (SEI) as the instructional model for English language Development (ELD). Please contact your classroom teacher or your school's EL teacher for more information.


Matthew Sun: Beverly Hills High School

Gretchen Gabreski: Beverly Vista Middle School

Elizabeth Sales: Hawthorne Elementary

Cherryne Luesang: Horace Mann Elementary


Structured English Immersion (SEI) Teachers use special instructional strategies, Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English (SDAIE) and integrated ELD strategies to ensure that EL students are able to understand and complete academic tasks. Instruction and learning happen mostly in English.  However, teachers and students may use the student's home language(s) to make learning more efficient. Students are encouraged to use digital translators, peer translators, or bilingual dictionaries to support classroom learning.


All EL students receive a minimum of 30 minutes of Designated ELD. In the elementary grades, the classroom teacher provides EL instruction during the school day in small groups. During this time, students learn about English grammar, sentence structure or may learn specific vocabulary words they will need to participate in larger settings. In middle and high school, EL students receive a minimum of 1 period of designated ELD with the EL teacher. No EL students are removed from their class to for EL services.

Initial ELPAC


When you complete the Home Language Survey, if you respond with a language other than English to any of the first 3 questions, your school will administer the Initial English Language Proficiency Assessment (ELPAC). We administer the ELPAC during the first month of school. The ELPAC is California's assessment to help schools determine which students need extra instruction to develop English proficiency.


If your child has previously attended a California public school, we will access those records and provide services based on your student's language proficiency.

State and federal laws require all public school districts in California to assess students’ English fluency.  If you have completed the Home Language Survey in error, please contact your school immediately. 


ELPAC Parent Guide to UnderstandingELPAC Parent Guide to Understanding

Summative ELPAC

Each spring all EL students will take the English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC). The ELPAC will assess students in four domains: reading, writing, speaking and listening. The scores from the ELPAC will be used to exit students from the EL program and to monitor their proficiency in English. 


Please follow the links below for important information:

Resources: https://elpac.startingsmarter.org/

Practice tests: https://capt.tds.cambiumast.com/student

ELPAC website:  https://www.caaspp-elpac.org/


Summative ELPAC Participation and Scoring

Summative ELPAC Participation and Scoring

Parent Participation


Students learning English need special support to become proficient with English and English language related to academic skills. One part of this support is our committees that help guide our work and are composed of parents of English Learners (EL).


Each school has their own English Language Advisory Council (ELAC). This group of parents provides input and advice for their school's planning. These meetings occur three times a year. Please contact your school's English language coordinator (ELC) for more information.


Additionally, the district hosts a District English Language Advisory Council (DELAC). This group provides input and advice to the superintendent. To participate in the District committee, please contact Dr. Dustin Seemann, Assistant Superintendent of Education Services: [email protected] 


The dates for the 2024-2025 DELAC meetings are:

  • September 25, 2024 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM
  • January 22, 2025 10:00 AM to 11:00 am
  • April 16, 2025


Agendas for previous and current BHUSD DELAC are posted below.

Reclassification Criteria
Reclassification Criteria Beginning 2024-2025