Enroll Now

Welcome to BHUSDWelcome new families to the Beverly Hills Unified School District!

Enrollment for the 2024-2025 school year is currently open.

Enrollment for the 2025-2026 school year starts on Tuesday, February 18, 2025.



Student Services Team, Laura, Ben, Maria

Enrolling in a new school can feel overwhelming sometimes, we are thrilled you have chosen to become a part of our BHUSD Community! Please don't hesitate to reach out to us if you have a question or concern at [email protected]. Our Student Services Team is here to guide you through this process step by step. The main people you will speak with are Maria J Fernandez, Enrollment Center Supervisor, Benjamin Wardrop, Director of Student Services, and our team leader, Laura Collins-Williams, Assistant Superintendent, Student Services.

We have an outstanding tradition of excellence in education, and we warmly welcome you and your children to BHUSD. Below are instructions on how to confirm your residency within the boundaries of BHUSD and how to enroll your children in school. If you want a summary of the documents you will need, scroll down to the Enrollment Document Checklist. Please click through each section to ensure you have all of the information you need. 
The District will not solicit or collect information or documents regarding the citizenship or immigration status of students or their family members for the purpose of determining residency within the District.

This helps us to know what their age eligibility is for the grade they will be entering. Remember, if you are moving from outside of California or outside of the US you may be coming from a school that has different age grade eligibility.

Do you need proof of their date of birth?

  • Yes, please collect your child's birth certificate or passport. Birth certificates are preferred.

How old must my child be to attend BHUSD?

The district's transitional kindergarten (TK) program shall admit children whose fifth birthday occurs by June 30th.

I live at 9641 Sunset Blvd, Beverly Hills, CA 90212. 

Great! So you just need to use our School Finder App to check if you are within the BHUSD residency boundaries! Now we can get started

  • Residency Documents to collect:
    • A copy of your lease (with children identified as occupants) or property taxes/mortgage statement.
    • Three forms of utility bills including Edison (electricity). Utility bill connections are accepted for 45 days, then you must produce the initial bill. Eg. Gas, Internet, Water, Car Insurance, Renter's insurance, Bank Statement, etc.
    • Fill out the Residency Verification Affidavit in the Enrollment Document Checklist (below).


I am moving in with another family who lives in Beverly Hills so we don’t have the above documentation in my name, what do I do?

  • Email [email protected]
  • Fill out the Co-Residency Verification Affidavit in the Enrollment Document Checklist (below). This form must be notarized by a California Notary Public.


We do not live in the BHUSD Beverly Hills residency boundaries however, I work (more than 20 hrs per week) for BHUSD or Beverly Hills City Hall, can I enroll my child? 

Yes! You qualify for an Interdistrict Transfer permit by being currently employed by BHUSD or Beverly Hills City Hall. Click here for more information

  • Please collect your Verification of Employment. Eg. Pay Stub, Letter from Employer.
  • Interdistrict Transfer Release from your district of residence.
  • BHUSD Permit

Please collect the following proof of immunization from your physician.

California schools are required to check immunization records for all new student admissions at TK/Kindergarten through 12th grade and all students advancing to 7th grade before entry. Parents must show their child’s Immunization Record as proof of immunization.

  •  Students Admitted at TK/K-12 Need:
  • Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis (DTaP, DTP, Tdap, or Td) — 5 doses 
    • (4 doses OK if one was given on or after 4th birthday. 3 doses OK if one was given on or after 7th birthday.)For 7th-12th graders, at least 1 dose of pertussis-containing vaccine is required on or after 7th birthday.  
  • Polio (OPV or IPV) — 4 doses
    • (3 doses OK if one was given on or after 4th birthday) 
  • Hepatitis B — 3 doses
    • (Not required for 7th grade entry)  
  • Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR) — 2 doses 
    • (Both given on or after 1st birthday) 
  • Varicella (Chickenpox) — 2 doses 


These immunization requirements apply to new admissions and transfers for all grades, including transitional kindergarten.

  • Students Starting 7th Grade Need:
    • Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis (Tdap) —1 dose
      • (Whooping cough booster usually given at 11 years and up)
    • Varicella (Chickenpox) — 2 doses
      • (Usually given at ages 12 months and 4-6 years) 

In addition, the TK/K-12 immunization requirements apply to 7th graders who:

  • Previously had a valid personal beliefs exemption filed before 2016 upon entry between TK/Kindergarten and 6th grade
  • Are new admissions

Per our Health Services Board Policy 5141.3 (Health Examinations) all Transitional Kindergarten, Kindergarten and 1st Grade students must have completed a physical examination and an oral health assessment no more than six months prior to entering transitional kindergarten, kindergarten and/or 1st Grades.

Physical Exam Requirements for TK, Kindergarten or 1st Grade Entry

Initial Entry Into School

Physical Exam


Within 12 months prior to entering TK. This will qualify for Kindergarten entry but a new physical exam will need to be submitted prior to 1st grade entry. 


Within 6 months prior to entering Kindergarten. If more than 6 months a new Physical exam will need to be submitted prior to 1st grade entry.

1st grade

Within 18 months prior to entering 1st grade

  • Please be sure to complete the forms below in the Enrollment Document Checklist pertaining to TK/KG/1 st Grade Entrance Physical Examination and Oral Health Assessment.
Is my child eligible to attend school yet?
Please review the chart and graphic below! 

School Year

TK Eligible

Kinder Eligible

2024-2025 (current school year)

Birth Date 09/02/2019 - 06/30/2020


Birth Date 09/02/2018 - 09/01/20219



Birth Date 09/02/2020 - 09/01/2021


Birth Date 09/02/2019 - 09/01/2020



Birth Date 09/02/2021 - 09/01/2022

Birth Date 09/02/2020 - 09/01/2021


Birth Date 09/02/2022 - 09/01/2023

Birth Date 09/02/2021 - 09/01/2022

TK enrollment is offered on a first-come-first-served basis.  

Which schools offer TK in BHUSD?
Universal TK

Although we share custody, we are divorced/separated and live in different houses, what do we do? 

  • Only one parent needs to enroll your child (this person must be a Beverly Hills resident). However, you must provide a copy of your legal custody agreement.

We use these documents to help with Grade Placement. 

My child has never been to school, what transcripts do I need? 

If your child has never attended school before you won’t need to worry about transferring school transcripts!

I am living in California and moving to Beverly Hills within the residency boundaries, what’s next?

Since you are moving from within California, this will make Grade Placement a little easier. Please collect from your current school:

  • Last report card and/or transcripts
  • IEP/504/Special Education Services Documentation (if applicable) 


I am living in the US but out of California and moving to Beverly Hills within the residency boundaries, what’s next?

Since you are moving from out of state it is important that we review the following documents to help with Grade Placement. Please collect from your current school:

  • Last report card and/or transcripts
  • IEP/504/Special Education Services Documentation (if applicable) 


I am living in another country and moving to Beverly Hills within the residency boundaries and my children currently attend an English-speaking school, what’s next?

Since you are moving from out of America and sometimes the school calendar runs on different dates, it is important that we review the following documents to help with Grade Placement. Please collect from your current school:

  • Last report card and/or transcripts
  • IEP/504/Special Education Services Documentation (if applicable) 


I am living in another country and moving to Beverly Hills within the residency boundaries but my kids do not attend an English-speaking school, what’s next?

Since you are moving from out of America and sometimes the school calendar runs on different dates, it is important that we review the following documents to help with Grade Placement. Please collect from your current school:

  • Last report card and/or transcripts. These must be translated into English prior to sending them.
  • IEP/504/Special Education Services Documentation (if applicable) 
  • If your school does not have these documents please email [email protected]
Remember, if you are moving from outside of California or outside of the US you may be coming from a school that has different age grade eligibility.
Both parents/guardians and students need to read the Student and Parent Handbook, which includes important information on School and District Policies, Student Attendance, Discipline, and Responsibilities. Please remember, you will need to indicate in the “New Student Online Registration Portal” that “YES” you have reviewed the handbook with your student.
Norman GuideBulldog Guide

Enrollment Document Checklist: You Must Submit All Of These Documents

If you require additional information about the required documents as listed below, please refer to the explanations above by clicking on the relevant heading. 

  1. Student’s Birth Certificate or Passport (Birth Certificate Preferred)
  2. Parent’s Identification (Driver’s License, Passport)
  3. Lease (with children identified as occupants) or Property Taxes/Mortgage Statement
  4. Three Forms of Utility Bills including Edison. Utility bill connections are accepted for 45 days, then you must produce the initial bill. Eg. Gas, Internet, Water, Car Insurance, Phone, Bank.
  5. Proof of Immunization per State requirements as above. 
  6. Academic Transcript or Last Report Card from previous school. Prior school records will be requested by the school site.
  7. Student IEP/504 documents, if applicable. 
  8. GATE letter from previous district, if applicable. 
  9. ELPAC/CELDT language test documentation, if applicable. 
  10. If there is shared custody between parents, the legal custody agreement must be provided.
  11. If you work for BHUSD or Beverly Hills City Hall, Verification of Employment. Eg. Pay Stub, Letter from Employer and Interdistrict Transfer Release from your district of residence

Additionally, please download, complete, and sign the (PDF electronically fillable) Enrollment Forms here:

Health History Card

New to the District Acknowledgement

Photo Media Release Form 

Technology Agreement (Complete the last page only)

Pupil Records Request

Home Language Survey 

Residency Affidavit 2024-2025

Co-Residency Affidavit 2024-2025 (if applicable, must be notarized)

Physical Examination by Private Physician for TK/KG/1st Grade Entrance (if applicable)

Oral Health Assessment For TK/KG/1st Grade Entrance (if applicable)

Residency Affidavit 2025-2026

Co-Residency Affidavit 2025-2026 (if applicable, must be notarized)


You have your documents ready! Great job! You are now ready to click the button below and enroll your child!

In addition to completing the online enrollment process by clicking the black button, you may submit the required documents in three different formats:

  1. Upload the required documents to the online enrollment application by clicking the black button below (STRONGLY RECOMMENDED)  OR
  2. Drop them off in the Student Services Department located at 624 N Rexford Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90210 OR
  3. Email them to [email protected]  Subject Line: Student’s Last Name, School Site, Grade Level. 
Once you have completed the online process by clicking the button above, to confirm receipt of your online enrollment application and supporting documents, please email Maria Fernandez [email protected] include in the subject line of your email the student's name, grade level, and school site.

Questions? We would love to help!

Email our Enrollment Center Supervisor, Maria Fernandez at [email protected] or schedule your telephone appointment by clicking here