Grandparent Permit
Board Policy and Required Forms
How do I apply?
The initial Grandparent permit application for the school year 2025-2026 opens on Monday, March 3rd, 2025.
Can the parent (instead of the grandparent) fill out the application form? Yes! As long as the grandparent signs the Grandparent Permit Residency Verification Affidavit.
If my application is approved, what is the next step?
The BHUSD Enrollment Center will send an email notifying applicants when it has been determined that space is available to accept the student. At that time, approved applicants will receive instructions on how to complete the enrollment process.
How many years does the grandparent need to have lived within BHUSD attendance boundaries?
A minimum of 10 consecutive years. This may be as an owner or renter.
Once I am granted a permit do I need to reapply each year?
Yes, however, it is the practice of BHUSD to ensure continuity of education by including current permit students in our annual enrollment projections. Per the state Education Code, you are required to get an annual release from your home district (district of residence) and provide it to BHUSD with your application.
Do I need to submit residency verification documents when I reapply each year?
Yes. Annually, you will need to submit documents verifying that the grandparent has lived within BHUSD attendance boundaries for a minimum of 10 consecutive years.
How do I prove that the grandparents have lived within the BHUSD attendance boundaries for a minimum of 10 consecutive years?
This may be verified with a grant deed or annual property taxes or leases/rental history verification, and a signed Grandparent Permit Residency Verification Affidavit.
Can my permit be denied?
Yes. Due to the fact that Beverly Hills Unified School District is a community-funded, "basic aid" district, enrollment of pupils can be denied if the enrollment will negatively impact the capacity of a program, class, grade level, or school building or will have an adverse financial impact on the district as determined by District Administration.
Can my permit be revoked?
Yes. Please refer to the policy for the circumstances under which this may take place.
Is my “first-come, first-serve” place renewed every year?
No, the first time you apply is when your spot in the queue is established.
What is an Inter-district Transfer Release?
A requirement of the application process is a release from the student's district of residence. The parent/guardian of the student is responsible for obtaining a release from their district of residence.
How do I get released from my home district?
Call your local district office and they will either process it or refer you to the Los Angeles Office of Education to release you through an appeal.
For LAUSD residents, please follow these instructions to complete your Outgoing Inter-District Permit (Leaving the LAUSD)
For LAUSD residents, if you need to appeal your inter-district permit to LACOE, please follow these instructions:
1) Complete Los Angeles County Office of Education's (LACOE) Inter-district Attendance Appeal packet here
2) Complete the Los Angeles Unified School District's (LAUSD) Childcare Affidavit here
3) Attach a copy of:
- Grandparent's ID or driver's license
- A utility bill in the grandparent's name
For questions regarding the appeal process, contact LACOE at (562) 922-6301
Is the inter-district permit available for Preschool?
No. Inter-district permits are for students in grades TK-12. Preschool programming is run through the City of Beverly Hills.
Is there a sibling privilege?
No. Each application will be considered independently based on grade level and program.
Do I have to wait until the application window opens to request an inter-district release by the school district of residence?
No, the process of getting an inter-district release can begin immediately. Please be sure to check the Open Enrollment timelines with your district of residence.
Can a parent/guardian make a specific elementary school request?
Permits are based on space available. There is a transfer request option after a student has been enrolled.
Can I hold a place for a child who is not yet school-aged?
No, the child must be school-aged in order to submit an application.