Meeting Notes - 10/3/17
Members selected for the BHUSD Future Focused Schools Team held their first meeting on Tuesday October 3rd. The group toured four of the five district school sites: El Rodeo School, Hawthorne School, Horace Mann School, and Beverly Vista School. Each school’s administrators walked the group through their campus and classrooms to provide an overview of their school community and facilities.
“Our first priority is providing school building tours at each of our TK-8 schools in order to provide all members with common knowledge and experiences before any conversation takes place,” said Superintendent Dr. Michael Bregy, “The team will tour BHHS at its second meeting.”
The Future Focused Schools Team will be meeting several times from October through December to research and analyze the configuration of the Beverly Hills Unified School District. Members’ work will culminate in a presentation of options to the Board of Education on a future path for the district to ensure optimal instructional opportunities, as well as sustainability.